123 Victoria Street
Situated in the heart of Christchurch’s vibrant Victoria Street, this is Countrywide Group’s latest and largest development. The 7,462m2 building is Countrywide Group’s biggest development to date, which reinforces [...]
Situated in the heart of Christchurch’s vibrant Victoria Street, this is Countrywide Group’s latest and largest development. The 7,462m2 building is Countrywide Group’s biggest development to date, which reinforces [...]
Since first starting in The Christchurch Farmers Market, Posh Porridge has been popping up all over Christchurch City and now has a pop up in The Vicinity at 123 Victoria Street every Wednesday morning. Posh Porridge has a fan club in the thousands with many regulars following their pop-ups around town to get their morning [...]
Residents and workers around Victoria Street may have lost their favourite coffee spot, Coffee Traders, which was formerly in the Food Containers next to the giant gnome sculpture, however, they won’t have to go far to discover its new location. Vanessa Clements started her coffee shop, Coffee Traders, in 2015 within the Countrywide Property [...]
Hospitality hot spot Victoria St is set to expand further as construction nears completion on the development at 123 Victoria St. Tenancies are being snapped up for the five-storey office building, which will house bars and cafes on the ground floor. Four hospitality businesses have committed to the site, Coffee Traders among those. It is [...]
Nexia New Zealand was formed when leading Canterbury accounting firms Marriots and HFK merged last year and is now set to take possession of some of Christchurch’s most premium office space. The top floor of 123 Victoria Street will be the new home of Nexia New Zealand and will bring together approximately 90 staff under [...]
The largest Countrywide Property development to date, 123 Victoria Street is set to go ahead with the confirmation of tenancy for the top floor. The owner of Countrywide, Richard Diver is confident the building “helps cement Victoria Street as a more desired part of town to be in.” The street is humming and is all but complete, with [...]